Best Books Grade 2 FAL Graded Reader Level 5 Book 4: Sam and his cat

Marina van Eeden, Zelda Vorster




Best Books

Date Released:

November 2014

Price (incl. VAT):

R 90.00


Soft cover, 24pp

About this book:

This reading series for Grade 1-3 First Additional Language is graded in four levels, with four books per level (a total of 16 books per reading year or grade). Each level has been designed to give progressively greater challenges to the learner’s visual span, decoding ability and phonemic skill. 

The Best Books Graded Reading series introduces the learner to a large variety of language patterns and printed text characteristics. In the readers the learners will be introduced a variety of text types. As the learner’s reading and writing ability develop, there are also activities in the readers about structure, vocabulary, and word and sentence building that the learner can complete. In each book several high frequency sight words are practised.

The readers have been specially written to accommodate the development level, life experience and sense of humour a Foundation Phase learner.

It can be used in differentiated reading groups, group reading and independent reading.

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