2021 SA Children’s Laureate Award:

06 July 2021


Twee NB-Uitgewers kinder- en jeugskrywers stap vanjaar weg as die wenners van die eerste SA Children’s Laureate Award. 

Philip de Vos is bekroon vir sy lewenslange bydrae tot Afrikaanse kinderliteratuur. Die prys word toegeken deur die Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland Fakulteit van Opvoedkunde en die SA Fees vir Kinderliteratuur.

Die prysuitdelingseremonie is op 3 Julie tydens Suid-Afrika se allereerste Fees vir Kinderliteratuur gehou. Die aanlynfees is aangebied deur die Universiteit van die Wes-Kaapland en Heartlands Baby Sanctuary as n driedaagse viering van die krag van lees om verbeelding aan te wakker en die lewens van kinders van alle ouderdomme te verbeter.

Anke Theron, wat die prys oorhandig het, het die volgende te sê gehad oor Philip de Vos se prestasies:

“Jy is ’n man van vele talente en belangstellings. Jy was vir ongeveer 15 jaar ’n onderwyser en het in jou loopbaan as operasanger meer as 50 rolle vertolk. Maar jy is ook ’n fotograaf en het al ’n fotoboek gepubliseer. Nutuurlik is daar die magdom kinderboeke. Jy het ook verskeie toekennings ontvang vir jou kinderboeke. ’n Verskeidenheid van jou boeke is ook vertaal in Nederlands, Italiaans en Duits. Jy vertaal ook kinderboeke.”


Two NB Publishers children and youth authors walked away as the winners of the inaugural SA Children’s Laureate Award.

Niki Daly was honoured for his lifelong contribution to English children’s literature. The prize is awarded by the University of the Western Cape Faculty of Education and the SA Festival of Children's Literature.

The prizegiving ceremony was held on 3 July during South Africa’s very first Festival of Children’s Literature. The online festival was hosted by the University of the Western Cape and Heartlands Baby Sanctuary as a three-day celebration of the power of reading to ignite imaginations and transform lives in children of all ages.

Dr Mia Oosthuizen, who presented the prize, had the following to say about Niki Daly’s achievements:

“Niki, you are a writer, illustrator, publisher, and musician, among other things. But most of all, you are a global giant in the world of children’s literature. Besides your undeniable talent and the numerous awards, you’ve won, you truly revolutionised and expanded the way picture books look in South Africa and around the world. Especially your reflection of multicultural modern South Africa. In doing so, you capture the imagination and children’s magnificent everyday lives.”